거벽(Big Wall)등반

2011/06 Yosemite elcap 등반

네발의 행복 2011. 6. 25. 05:08

아래사진은 현지 엘캐피탄에서 등반상황을 시시각각 인터넷으로 소식을 전하는 Tom evans의 사이트에서 우리팀의 등반사진을 퍼 왔습니다.


The whole Korean Team, from Team Extreme Riders,  on the BT.









































Zodiac:  The 5 man Korean team moved into the White Circle today and spent the better part of on the long center pitch.  The crew spent a lot of time waiting around to move up.  They need to pick up the pace a bit.


Korean leader getting to the Circle.  (아래 사진은 저입니다^^)



































Rest of the team waiting, with the kit, to move up.



































Koreans on the Nipple pitch early this morning.









































Organization is the strong point of Korean climbing as shown on the MOZ pitch.









































Higher up the 5 man Korean team didn’t make Peanut last evening, but was up early and heading to the top as I departed around 4pm today.

Greetings from Peanut Ledge!






































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